Self Love Sale

Self Love Sale ⋆

A beautiful self-love programme designed to help women transform their lives and begin a journey to discovering the magic of self-love.

Prepare to welcome in abundance, joy, and self-illumination that will change your life.

Module Content

  • Module One - What is self-love?

    This module is designed to get you tuning into what self-love means to you and begin to introduce you to the light and shadow sides of yourself. Using a range of meditations and quick tasks to tap into the unconscious mind you will discover what you desire and what you have neglected.

  • Module Two - Forgiveness

    The power module! Get ready for some huge shifts, inner child connections and realisations as you work through the forgiveness of others and yourself.

  • Module Three - Dear Body

    Ready to confront those nasty internal voices that make you dislike your body, discover the blocks that stop you from feeling good and find a new level of appreciation for the body you have? This module is all about body-heart connection.

  • Module Four - Wholehearted Worthiness

    Worthiness really is the root of self-love and the underlying anchor in everything we do so prepare to strip the layers back and meet your authentic self during this module to find out what really determines your worth, what cycles repeat due to a lack of worth and how to stand strong as the woman you are.

  • Module Five - Loving me you and us

    Relationships are the trigger for us all so this module will give you tips and insight on loving another whilst maintaining a strong sense of self-love. Discussing conflict, sex and maintaining your sense of self.

  • Module Six - Soulful purpose and Goddess power

    Higher self visualisations, purposeful meditations and connection to your internal goddess

    This module is an epic way to lock all the growth in and look forward to the future as the transformed version of you.


So many women feel the same as you do and I myself have been there.

♥ The stories that repeat, telling you you're not worthy. 

♥ Living without a voice, not being seen or heard for who you are.

♥ Feeling stuck in a space of disempowerment and self-judgement.

♥ The uncomfortable feeling and lack of trust inside making self-love seem impossible.  

♥ The comforting excuse you cling to that allows you to walk away and hide.

♥ Constant comparison to others getting you into a cycle of negative thoughts and feelings.

It becomes difficult to understand what self-love looks like, to connect to the radical shifts it can bring to YOUR life.


That's why I designed this programme with so much energy and love for every single woman who invests in it because it is exactly what I needed when I faced my lowest time. I needed to do the deep work. 


I needed the sisterhood. 

I needed guidance.

self love is a superpower that every woman has access to!

For so long I searched for the answers to change my life.

I searched for the diet, the body, the weight, the relationship, anything I could find that would give me the feeling of happiness inside.

The more I searched the further away I became from the answer.

I realised self-love is the answer.

Everything I needed in order to feel enough was inside me yet I’d spent so long searching outside myself.


Self Love allows me to feel at home within myself.

It allows me to show up unapologetically, to honour who I am and to stop searching for external things to give me answers.

Self-love is the magic feeling of contentment. Contentment for the woman you are

Self-love is the strongest foundation any woman can have, you deserve it, to know that happiness can begin RIGHT NOW! When you decided to choose yourself, your internal world shifts and begins to expand.


Break old patterns that shatter your self-worth.

 Silence the internal negative voice inside.

Connect with yourself on a deeper level and begin to see yourself for who you really are.

Regain the confidence to live a life with pleasure and abundance.

Lean into vulnerability so you can put the POWER back in your hands.

Clear your internal world so you can be the version of yourself, for you and everyone who adores you.

Make deep connections with like-minded women who hold supportive and safe space for amazing growth.


Every module is intricately designed following my 'cultivate deep self love' framework. Meaning each module blend's beautifully into the next. Hence why we get so deep and the shifts are so profound!


want to hear more about the divine?

Watch this video to see why The Divine Transformation has helped over 40 women all around the world connect to a deep sense of self-love.

Every module is intricately designed to blend beautifully into the next, Hence why we get so deep and the shifts are so profound!

Each module has it's own coaching video, aligned homework and activating meditations that I have personally recorded to take you deep into your internal world. Plus, once you join you get lifetime access.

As a heartfelt THANK YOU from me I'm including special bonus recorded sessions:

Become an Abundance Magnet

Creating a life-changing vision board

Love, Self Love Lydia x


Check out what the divine graduates have to say.