Nakita: 1-1 trauma client.
I was embarrassed of my trauma; I was ashamed of people knowing. Now I embrace it as the part of me that makes me special. I see it as my magic, and my strength.
My whole life has changed, now I drive down the road and smile at the moon and I wake up excited for the day. I can process experiences for what they are and understand that a bad day is exactly that, a bad day. I understand myself after the trauma (the way my mind worked for so long and how trauma impacted my state of being and how the trauma manifested in my life)
Terri: The Divine Transformation.
Please believe me, this work is life changing. I was able to process something that has haunted me, Physically., emotionally and mentally for my WHOLE life! I felt such peace and I do now typing this, that my belief in him and myself has changed. SO from the bottom of my heart, I will never ever forget this. THANK YOU
poppy: The divine transformation
I’ve found myself again and my personality and voice which I had lost for a while. I now no longer care (most of the time) what other people think of me, what I wear or how I act as I’m confident in who I am. I am more emotionally stable as I can recognise thought patterns and realise the triggers and then deal with it rather than just pushing it back. I don’t let what other people are going through in their lives effect me as much as in with my job or friends as before I would take it on as emotional baggage.
Sophie: 1-1 trauma client
I would say the biggest shift was my self worth. I knew it was low but I never actually really how much that effected my whole life. Work, relationship etc. As soon as we began to work through the process the changes I had with work was crazy. I increased my pricing and picked up more clients than I ever had in a 1 week period.
I was finally able to see my worth and this was the biggest change for me.
Kayleigh: retreat guest.
I honestly don’t believe I will ever have the words to describe this retreat & what it did for me. I think the only people who will ever understand are my sisters who went through it with me it is something I will look back on my life on and say that was it - that was the start of my life - the life I wanted - 11/05/89 was when I came into this world 9/05/23 was when I was born - a rebirth might sounds dramatic but my transformation fucking was
Kayla: retreat guest
I am proud of myself for letting go of so many insecurities - in my body and in my feelings. I have spent so long not trusting my emotions or my own intuition. I’m proud of myself for accepting my body for what it is and for taking photos with so much confidence.
I am proud of myself for taking back my power.