“This is the programme I wish my mother had”

Beyond Body is the ‘grey area’ between diet culture and radical body acceptance.

Providing a safe space to unravel your relationship with food and body image, taking you on a journey towards acceptance and love.

I didn't create this programme just for us.

I created this programme for our children and the next generation of women and young girls.

This is my mark on changing the way women and young girls view their bodies, I want to create healthy environments where we can thrive and be empowered.

welcome to beyond body


To the woman craving a better relationship with her body…

How would it feel to be confident and liberated in your skin so you no longer seek external validation?

Experience pleasure and sensuality without worrying about your body?

Live life without body guilt or shame? No longer do you perpetuate the cycle of discomfort and feed off your own insecurities.

Speak to yourself with respect and love?

Feel more gratitude for your body so you can come into the present, zoom out on the bullshit and find clarity in your perception.

Have fucking freedom in your body.

Incredible right?! Imagine the space created in your mind, the joy in your life and the peace within your body.

Here’s why you may have landed here:

Trust me, I’ve been here before and I know how shit it feels:

🞘 Hiding your body to feel ok.

🞘 Feeling alone in the struggle yet not knowing how to discuss your struggles because it’s so normalised.

🞘 Being in an exhausting cycle of negativity and diet culture.

🞘 Not knowing how to get from A-B in the journey to acceptance.

🞘 Feeling uncomfortable about admitting how you actually feel.

Don’t ignore how you feel because this could be the programme you’ve been waiting for your whole life.

I’m Lydia.

self love coach and mentor

Experienced in the world of body image I have a nuanced approach and perspective given my time as a personal trainer, coaching countless women on body image and my own experience of body rejection from the age of 14. Over 10 years in a pit of constant rejection.

Trust me, I remember the hot flushes of shame running up my body as I saw what was staring back at me in the mirror but I moved beyond that.

And so can you.

Not only have I used my own experiences personally and as a coach but I designed this programme using the voices of other women. I ran multiple focus groups and polls on Instagram to collate the first hand, lived experiences of countless other women.

I want this programme to be bigger than me and serve as collective healing for all women.

Beyond Body was created for women using the voices of women.

This is something I am so proud of and I know the transformations will be life changing!

  • body freedom.

    I have that freedom of not having to live by anyone else’s standards but my own. Feeling free from seeking approval or agreement from other people before making life decisions or wearing a certain outfit etc. I’m no longer missing out on appreciating the amazing gift we have that is life and everything that the world has to offer.


  • shift in perspective.

    I am so thrilled with my shift in perspective for so many aspects of my life, from family, relationships and inner child beliefs. I have had this consistent limiting belief that has been affecting my relationship for years and it’s been a really tough process to get to the bottom off with deep work but I can’t even explain how much more incredible my relationship is now, it’s a whole new level of love and understanding

    Terri Ann.

  • I've stopped floating through life hating myself.

    My life completely changed working with Lydia, I was so deeply insecure about myself and just hated everything. I never realised how disconnected I was from my body because I never even knew it was possible so I didn’t understand why. Now I am so in touch with myself and my emotions, I wake up and I love the woman I am, I love who I am becoming.

    I’m no longer running away from myself.


  • I found my voice.

    I’ve found myself again.

    My personality and voice which I had lost for a while. I now no longer care (most of the time) what other people think of me, what I wear or how I act as I’m confident in who I am.

    I am more emotionally stable as I can recognise thought patterns, realise the triggers and then deal with them rather than just pushing them back.


  • food freedom.

    I blamed my body for years, made it my enemy and thought of it as a source of all my problems. Working with Lydia made me see how horrible I was to myself and how little self-awareness I had when it came to my needs.

    Being able to eat without guilt and stop when I am full is huge! I’m finally free enough to notice when I want to stop eating.



Beyond Body is a 12 week programme with each module being spread across a 2 week period.

  • Prepare for a powerful welcome call as we focus on connecting to your why. Why you came into this group and what it means for you to be here.

    Lots of Intention setting and a creative workshop.

  • The first module will take you on an explorative journey looking at the reasons why you have the relationship you do with your body.

    Where did it all start?

    Understanding this will allow you to understand what experiences you may be holding onto and what experiences have had a lasting impact on you.

    Prepare for forgiveness, letting go and some re-writing of those painful stories.

  • Ready to explore the brutal world of diet culture and how it has shaped and manipulated you to feel unhappy within your body?

    Within this module we will unpack:

    Ideals in society, diet culture, body guilt and shame, comparison and healthy exercise.

    This module will conclude with a radical reclaim of your power so you can begin to take control and shed the BS projected onto you.

  • It’s time to focus on who you are outside of your body.

    This module is all about self-worth, looking at your intentions and setting boundaries with yourself.

  • Language is a game-changer when it comes to making deep change. In this module, we will explore language and thoughts around food, body and exercise.

    Unpack your negative self-talk and connect to any stories you are holding onto around your body.

    What stories/beliefs are there and how can affirmations be created from these to begin to shift perspective.

  • Integration time!

    It’s time to integrate everything you have learnt and implement everyday practices. The purpose of this module is to move you up the emotional scale with your body so you are heading towards a lighter, more loving perspective.

  • It’s time for fun, joy and pleasure in your body.

    Prepare for lots of movement as we strengthen the level of mind/body connection.

  • Closing our time together with a creative workshop looking at the process and journey from the last 12 weeks, reflections and celebration!

i created this programme because nothing seems to be bridging the gap between diet culture & body acceptance.


After countless conversations with women, I know that Beyond Body is so unbelievably needed. Nothing is breaking down the steps for women, providing the depth needed to unravel how they feel with time for integration and clarity.

What I’ve observed is the people with impact and a following within body movements are the extreme versions. So I started to wonder who is speaking up for the gap in between?

There is a huge grey area and I am the bridge. 


I want you to feel safe, safe enough to:

Feel a sense of reassurance that it is okay to feel the way you feel - you’re not alone in this. Trust me I know, that’s why bringing women together is so powerful for collective healing.

Know It’s okay not to like your body. It breaks my heart that you don't but I’m not judging it because I get it. It’s time to face that and work through it.

Know It’s okay to be embarrassed. I guarantee the rush of hot flushes, the tears, the grabbing of your belly someone will relate to.

This programme isn’t about hiding anymore, it’s about looking at the pieces of the puzzle and working to put them back together again.

This is your permission slip to lean into your edge, speak your truth so you can be seen for who you are. By yourself and a group of women who want the best for you.

Be present day to day in your body

Make decisions around fitness, health, food from a place of control. From a place that feels good for you, your body and mind. 



beyond body

Secure one of the spots left on Beyond Body with Pay in Full, 3 month or 6 month payment plan options.

Lifetime access so you can continue to deepen your transformation once our time together has ended.

Beyond Body includes weekly group coaching calls and a Voxer group chat where you will get support from me and the other women.




Beyond Body vip

Everything listed PLUS unlimited access to me as your 1:1 mentor during our time in the programme.

Want that extra layer of support to help you unravel realisations that come up? A coach by your side for the time in the programme?

This is for the woman wanting to go deeper and work with me in an intimate way.

Package includes 3 x 30 minute 1:1 calls during our time in the programme and unlimited coaching on Voxer within a 1:1 chat.